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Green Coffee Beans

Green coffee beans is one of the products that is attracting the attention of many customers today. By to make up the day with quality coffee, the source of input materials is extremely important. Detech Coffee always strives to become the leading coffee producer and exporter in Vietnam according to the model of “from school to cup of coffee”.
With our passion and love for specialty coffee in Vietnam, we want to bring to the market quality green coffee products. Contribute to improve the value of Vietnamese coffee in the future.

Green Coffee Beans

The leading strength of green coffee Detech Coffee

Being the 5th “from farm to cup” coffee producer in the North and a partner of many domestic and foreign coffee shops such as the US, Virtue, Korea, China…Detech Coffee has many strengths in the industry:

Flavored skin

It all starts with carefully selected coffee beans in Son La – Vietnam’s specialty coffee region. With more than 10 years of research and development in the coffee industry. We understand that each tomato variety has a different altitude, a soil type, a climate. A different cultivation and care method will produce different coffee flavors. And Detech Coffee’s mission is to “DISCOVER” the potential of Vietnamese coffee to bring out a wide variety of coffee flavors.

Coffee is hand-picked, high ripeness

Detech Coffee’s coffee is picked by the hands of farmers to ripen naturally to bring the most stable flavor through the seasons. Although this method is time consuming, it is possible to ensure the uniformity of green coffee beans. That’s what we’re all about to make Vietnam’s coffee industry better.

Green Coffee Beans Detech Coffee

High quality screening machinery system

Ripe fruits collected from the farm are hand-processed by Detech workers to remove branches and fruits that do not meet turn 1 standards.

High quality screening machinery system
High quality screening machinery system

In turn 2, the collected ripe fruits are put into sieve machine technology, color inspection machine to ensure accurate seeds, low error rate, and quality standards.

Standard pre-processing process

At Detech Coffee, there are 3 methods of preliminary processing that are often used: wet preliminary processing, natural preliminary processing, and preliminary processing of honey.

Green Coffee Beans
Standard pre-processing process

Preliminary processing is carried out by skilled workers have experts to check and supervise closely to ensure enough time and right process. Therefore, the green coffee beans of Detech Coffee always show the best characteristics of the seed meet the needs of the roaster.

Warehousing system meets European storage standards

Currently, in order to preserve green coffee beans in the best way, Detech Coffee is equipped with a modern warehouse system. Pallets are ventilated, avoiding mold, moisture, insects, ensuring safety and hygiene.

High quality screening machinery system
Warehousing system meets European storage standards

Outstanding preliminary processing methods at Detech Coffee

Natural processing (Natural)

Natural processing – is the most commonly used coffee processing method today. Accordingly, ripe cherries coffee after removing impurities will be dried on the rig, in thin layers, and turned evenly. The Natural process takes about 3 weeks depending on weather conditions. With the Natural pre-processing method, the coffee beans will be fully preserved with the natural flavors, which will highlight the chocolate and fruit flavors of the coffee cup.

Wet processing (Washed)

After being harvested, the coffee berries will be put into the peeler. Then put in a soaking tub to ferment. And finally, wash the remaining meat that clings to the rice husk and then put it to dry. The wet pre-processing method creates a higher flavor quality for the coffee beans. The fermentation process helps to preserve the maximum amount of acid in the pure coffee beans. Thereby retaining the characteristic natural acidity of each type.

Honey processing (Honey)

The basic principle of this method is to select ripe coffee from the orchards of the farmers and have it machine peeled. After that, the coffee beans will be spread on the high rig dried in the sun and covered with a plastic roof. The drying process takes 20-45 days in favorable weather conditions. The honey processing method brings out the fruit flavor, increasing the flavor diversity of the green coffee beans.

Arabica Catimor – No. 1 green bean coffee at Detech Coffee

Catimor coffee is also known as tea coffee, scientific name is Coffee Arabica, is a coffee cross between Timor and Caturra (Timor was bred from Arabica and Robusta coffee).

Catimor coffee has a low caffeine content, only about 1 to 2%. Coffee beans when used to mix with water give a light brown color, extremely impressive waves. The highlight of this coffee comes from the bitter taste mixed with the unmistakable gentleness, charm, and passion.

In particular, when felt carefully, this coffee variety also has a slightly sour taste, attractive, extremely suitable for the taste of the drinker. The aftertaste lingers in the passionate, deep coffee, creating an unforgettable enjoyable feeling.

As one of the leading producers of Arabica Catimor Son La green coffee beans in Vietnam, combined with modern equipment and professional workers, Detech Coffee is committed to bringing the best batches of green kernels.

03 Commitment to ‘gold’ to create Green beans coffee Detech Coffee

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