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BREEDCAFS, a project funded by the EU, seeks to increase the suitability of coffee production to climate change by diversifying the available varieties through the breeding of coffee plants for agroforestry systems. In an effort to address this, a consortium of BREEDCAFS’ partners consisting of ECOM, CIRAD, MARD, VAAS, AGI, NOMAFSI & Co. has introduced F1-hybrid Arabicas to northwest Vietnam since 2017. Detech Coffee, IWCA Vietnam and partners are working with the consortium to distribute, plant the new varieties, and process the new coffees.

We think that coffee agroforestry, which represents a form of regenerative agriculture, is the key to sustainable coffee production, a more valuable coffee industry in Vietnam, and GHG reduction through decarbonisation. Recently, the consortium has given us the opportunity to host a cupping event on February 22, 2023, to evaluate the quality of the new F1-hybrid varieties. D’codes Coffee Lab & Campus Vietnam kindly sponsored expert service of three Q-graders and instructors to evaluate the coffees according to the SCA standards.We are honored to be part of such an impactful effort towards a more climate-resilient, decarbonized agriculture, and ultimately achieving net-zero emissions.

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